Community Housing Solutions (CHS) provides home repairs to qualifying families who are
owner-occupants of Guilford County homes and are below specific income levels.
What makes a property and a home owner eligible?

To be eligible, properties must:
- Be located within Guilford County.
- Have all property taxes paid in full and current.
- Have a clean title and be owner-occupied at both the time of application and throughout the repair process.
- Have a property tax value (building plus land) of $180,000 or less.
- Not be in danger of a foreclosure process.
- Have repair needs not exceeding $25,000 in estimated costs.

To be eligible, applicants must:
- Own and occupy the home and property as their primary residence for at least five years.
- Not have received a home repair though CHS’ programs in the last 36 months and not have exceeded CHS’ repair program limits in the past.
- Have limited means to accomplish the repairs on their own.
- Have a total household income which does not exceed 80% of the current Guilford County Area Median Income (AMI) for household size as determined by Housing and Urban Development (HUD) (see 2024 income limits and determination of income below).
- Not own any other properties.
Income Limits by Household Size
CHS’ Home Repair Committee will review and approve qualified homeowner applications before repair work begins. The committee will forward a summary of their actions to the Board of Directors for review.
Get in touch
Please call the our Administrative Assistant at 336-676-6986 if you think that you are eligible and would like to complete an initial intake form for a home repair.
CHS Awarded Funds for Urgent Repair Program
Community Housing Solutions (CHS) has been awarded $132,000 by the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency (“NCHFA”) under the 2022 cycle of the Urgent Repair Program (“URP22”). This program provides funds to assist very low and low-income households in addressing housing conditions which pose imminent threats to their life and/or safety. Click this link for more information.