Community Housing Solutions (CHS) has been awarded $132,000 by the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency (“NCHFA”) under the 2023 cycle of the Urgent Repair Program (“URP23”). This program provides funds to assist very low and low-income households in addressing housing conditions which pose imminent threats to their life and/or safety. CHS will provide accessibility modifications and other repairs necessary to prevent displacement of these homeowners which include the elderly and persons with disabilities. A total of 20 households will be assisted under URP23.
To be eligible for assistance under URP23 applicants:
- Must reside within the Guilford County limits (excluding the city limits of High Point) and own and occupy the home in need of repair for five years.
- Must have a property tax value (building plus land) of $180,000 or less with primary consideration given to the building value.
- A member of the household must have a special need (i.e., be > 62 years old, handicapped or disabled, a single parent with a dependent living at home, a veteran, a large family with > 5 household members or a household with a child below the age of six with lead hazards in the home.)
- Must have a household income which does not exceed 50% of the Guilford County median income for the household size. (see below)
- Must have urgent repair needs, which cannot be met through other state- or federally-funded housing assistance programs.

This Assistance Policy describes who is eligible to apply under URP23, how applications will be ranked, what the form of assistance is and how the repair/modification process will be managed. CHS has designed this URP23 project to be fair, open, and consistent with CHS’ approved application for funding and with NCHFA’s URP Program Guidelines. The funds provided by NCHFA come from the North Carolina Housing Trust Fund. The program will be carried out under CHS’ home repair program, which uses volunteer labor led by our construction staff with trade contractors, as necessary.
If you have someone that you would like to refer for this assistance, please contact our Client Services Coordinator at (336) 553-2718.